In The Memory of Zainul

Wasi A. Rizvi
2 min readMar 26, 2024

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

He was kind. Above all the sharpness of his intellect and the vastness of his worldview, he was kind and patient. He was always willing to listen, pay attention, and respect your opinion without willing to impose his ideas or present his solution as the only viable option. His conversations would reward curiosity and unconventional questions or uncommon viewpoints.

Syed Zainulaba Rizvi left this world for eternal abode on 1 January 2024. As a friend and family of my grandparents, his influence on my young and developing mind will…



Wasi A. Rizvi

A grownup child, in love with words and machines, who is a Computer Scientist with editorial experience. Reach me: ;