Letter to Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali a.s.

Wasi A. Rizvi
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

Assalam o Alika Ya Ameer ul Momineen,

Someone mentioned that your followers are writing letters to you! Maybe this insignificant being can find some broken words to become a part of that blessed list.

Ya Ameer, words evaporate from the mind at the slightest hint of being in your presence. But this life, or even the life of our graves, would be equal to hell without your blessed presence.

The Holy Shrine of Najaf. Photo taken on a day phones were allowed in the harum.

O Maula, the word ‘blessing’ is too small for what your love is in this worldly life. Even a tiny spark, a fraction of it, bestowed by God upon a faithful believer performs miracles. That person becomes stronger than steel in facing hardships, but remains softer than silk for the ones around him!

This duality of traits in your love is just the tip of the iceberg. You yourself are the leader in terms of having opposite characteristics being collected in one personality! Even the rain water that falls in your city becomes similar to crystal! It is water but it behaves like a stone!

O Mazhar ul Ajaib, can you ask God to grant a culmination of such powers to your followers?

When someone asked you about your favorite verse from the Holy Quran about you, The answer came in an instant. Any person with no real talent would have taken time to think of a distinguished personality trait. You had a huge number of Quranic verses to choose from! The verse you chose was:

“Those who disbelieve say: ‘you are not the messenger sent (by Allah).’ Say (O Muhammad): ‘Allah is sufficient as witness between me and you, and he who has knowledge of the book.’ ”

They wanted to know why you chose this verse over all the others. You told him that this is the verse where God used your presence, along with his own, as witness for prophethood of the Holy Prophet p.b.u.h.p.

O Maula e Kainaat, these are your values! You are the Imam of all the good qualities, yet you chose the nearness to Allah and his Prophet p.b.u.h.p. over all of them in the blink of an eye.

Ya Imam e Mautaqiyaan, please help your followers attain quranic values of success. Help us value closeness to Allah over every other aim, which may include limitless acquisition of wealth, power, fame, or any other such goal. Help us get rid of anything that the Imam of our era does not want to see in us.

On this eid, O Mushkil Kusha, please help us ask Allah for forgiveness of our sins and reappearance of your son a.j.t.f. so we can perform this milad with him!

Yours faithfully,

Wasi Rizvi

Written on 13 Rajab 1441 (March 2020)

Uploaded on 13 Rajab 1442

Written as a submission for https://muntazircontests.com/ (They sent a beautiful tile with calligraphy from the Holy Shrine of Sammarah, among other gifts)



Wasi A. Rizvi
Wasi A. Rizvi

Written by Wasi A. Rizvi

A grownup child, in love with words and machines, who is a Computer Scientist with editorial experience. Reach me: Wr.Wasi.Rizvi@gmail.com ; Words@WasiRizvi.ink

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