Letter to Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali a.s.

Wasi A. Rizvi
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

Assalam o Alika Ya Ameer ul Momineen,

Someone mentioned that your followers are writing letters to you! Maybe this insignificant being can find some broken words to become a part of that blessed list.

Ya Ameer, words evaporate from the mind at the slightest hint of being in your presence. But this life, or even the life of our graves, would be equal to hell without your blessed presence.

The Holy Shrine of Najaf. Photo taken on a day phones were allowed in the harum.



Wasi A. Rizvi

A grownup child, in love with words and machines, who is a Computer Scientist with editorial experience. Reach me: Wr.Wasi.Rizvi@gmail.com ; Words@WasiRizvi.ink