What is a Blessing?

Wasi A. Rizvi
7 min readJul 9, 2020


A Humble Tribute to Allama Talib Johri. Please recite a Surah Fatiha for elevation of his ranks.

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

Witnessing Allama Talib Johri deliver his calculated words can never be forgotten. The energy in his tone would keep you with him. Tasbih would shuffle in his hands, with white cuffs sticking out of the black sleeves. Specific paths that his hands followed made sure that you followed the intensity of his point.

The points that he would make would take roots in a plethora of Quranic verses. His speech would be a handcrafted journey among them. Allama truly was a blessing for us.

Let’s watch him take us there once more?

Aaozo billah e Sami el Aleem, Min ash sahitan laeen e rajeem.

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim.

Faqat Qaal Allah o Subhan wa Talla,fe muhkam e Kitab al Mubeen

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

Surah Luqman Verse 20 [31:20] is recited.

Allama starts off by breaking it down in a quick and engrossing succession.

God addresses humanity, and says, “Do you not see that Allah has made serviceable to you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth…” [31:20] This is the first thing God is proud of, in this verse.

…and has completed His favors (Naimat), both apparent and hidden, on you?…”[31:20] God talks of fulfilling your needs.

…Yet among the people is he who disputes concerning Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening book” [31:20] It is clear that without these three things, one does not have the right to argue about God.

The word “Naimat” has been used abundantly, and for various meanings, in the Holy Quran. It is translated as a favor or bounty, among other things.

Naimat, or a blessing, is anything that provides a benefit. Where can we find these blessings? Surah Fatir Verse 3 [35:3]

O you people…” [35:3] The way Quran addresses believers with instructions specific to them. But when the message is for everyone, it addresses everyone. God is the “…Lord of mankind. The king on mankind. The God of mankind” Surah Nas [114: 1–3]. Quran is a guidance for the mankind. (Hudal lil naas). The Holy Prophet p.b.u.h.p. is a prophet for the mankind (kafatal lil naas).

So now the scope of this verse is the entire humanity. Here is what it says: “… Remember the bounty of Allah (granted) to you” [35:3] That is the instruction.

…Is there any creator other than Allah who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth? …” [35:3] So being created is a blessing. The food and water that humanity gets as sustenance are blessings as well.

Moving on to Surah Nahl Verse 71–72 [16:71–72] while observing different angles of the word blessing, or Naimat .

Allah has favored some of you above others in the provision of sustenance…”[16:71] There is a chain of causality at play here. Sustenance is acquired. And acquisition depends on body, limbs, and mind. The creation of which, in itself, is uneven. That is why wealth is distributed unequally.

…Now those who have been more favored do not give their (dependents) whom their right hands possess…”[16:71] Allama translates ‘giving’, as ‘returning’ in this verse. The surplus was intended for the deprived, but has accumulated with the privileged. Why do they not return it then?

…so that they may be equal in it…”[16:71] Hunger behaves alike for the rich and the poor. It has been balanced here.

What! Is it then the bounty of Allah that they deny?”[16:71] Therefore, concentration of wealth in the society is a sign of rejecting God’s blessings. One of which is economical balance.

Allah has given you wives from yourselves and has given you sons and grandchildern from your wives, and provided good things for your sustenance…”[16:72] These are all blessings from him.

…What! Is it then falsehood that they believe, and in the bounty of Allah (that) they disbelieve? ”[16:72]

Skipping a few verses from this point, we get to the crux of this discussion: Surah Nahl Verse 80–83 [16:80–83]

Allah has made your houses a place of rest for you…” [16:80] The arms that made the houses may have been yours, but the ideas and methods were given to you by God. Them being a place of rest for you is yet another blessing.

…and has made houses (tents) from the skins of cattle for you which you find so light to carry on the day of your traveling and on the day of your camping…”[16:80] More blessings.

…and of their wool, their fur, and their hair (He has provided you with) household goods and (other) provisions for a time…”[16: 80] All of these are given, but for a specific time.

…And Allah has made for you, of what He has created, shelter…”[16:81] Allama translates shelter as shadow, and shows how it is an added dimension of blessings and not just a layer on top. Unrestricted exposure to sunlight would burn human skin.

… and of the mountains He has made places of refuge for you, and He has made garments for you to protect you from the heat, and coats of mail to protect you in your fighting…” [16:81]

…Thus does He complete His bounties on you so that you may submit yourselves (to Him)” [16:81] So the blessings are being bestowed for you to submit to him.

It becomes a long list of blessings:

  • You were created
  • You were given food and water as sustenance
  • You were given a spouse
  • You were granted offspring
  • Your offspring had offspring as your lineage
  • You were given a place to live
  • You were given place to live that was portable
  • You were given a sense of clothing
  • You were given bullet proof vests among other protective gear
  • You were given shadows

At this point, he continues the verse: “…But if they turn away, then on you is only the clear delivery (of the message). They recognize the bounties of Allah, yet they deny them, and most of them are infidels.”[16:82–83] So after all these blessings, If they are not ready to recognize God, the instruction for the Holy Prophet p.u.b.h.p. is not to use force. He has simply been told to deliver the message. Majority would notice the blessings, but reject them.

This list of blessings only mentions external blessings. The verse in Surah Luqman mentions internal blessings as well. What are those internal blessings?

  • Perception.
  • Wisdom.
  • Intellect.
  • Life.

And the ability to think and plan are all blessings from Him.

Quran has provided an open challenge at two places. It says that if you try to even count God’s blessings, you can’t.

Interestingly, economical theories suggest that needs are limitless and resources are not. That explains why everyone has to snatch and grab as many resources as they can.

Quran is saying that you can’t even count the blessings, or resources. You are limited and blessings are not.

This does not make much sense. Abundance of blessings, yet majority rejects Him? Picture can be much clearer upon considering these two words; ‘Blessing’ and ‘Pleasure’.

The idea of pleasure may vary under different circumstances. The pleasure of a child is completely different from an adult. Elderly would define it differently from both of them. Blessings, however, don’t evolve that way. The blessing of water is constant for all ages. Blessing is an action, and pleasure reaction.

Blessing is an human need, and pleasure is the enjoyment in that need being met. Now if someone has an illness, such as malaria, water would taste bad. The fault, then, is not in the blessing or the provider of it. It is in the illness.

The illness in the use or the user of the blessing can make it seem faulty. As if the blessing has a deficiency. You can’t simply refuse water because it tastes bad. You have to fix your tongue.

Time can be a flaw for blessings. Spouse, children, land, wealth, and other blessings end when you enter the grave. These are the external blessings.

The internal blessings go with you. But what would they look like?

Surah Fatiha verse 6–7 [1: 6–7] “Keep us on the right path. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed your bounties…”[1: 6–7] The prayer is not for the path of the bounties or blessings. It is for the the ‘path of those’, on whom bounties were bestowed.

It is important to differentiate blessings from the ones that they are bestowed upon.

There are some that blessings are bestowed upon and God wants us to walk on their path. But who are they? How to find them?

Surah Nisa Verse 69 [4:69]

And all who obey Allah and the messenger (Muhammad) are with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favors, of the prophets, and the truthfuls, and the witnesses, and the righteous; and excellent are these as companions.”[4:69] We have found the ones that blessings are bestowed upon.

So internal blessings would be guidance, prophethood, the Holy Book. And The Holy Quran says that the blessings you get are from Allah.

Wa akirudawana wa Alhamdolilah e Rab il Almeen.

An era comes to an end, but his voice shall live on. Allama Talib Johri truly was more than an icon. He was a blessing.

Translated by: Wasi A. Rizvi, July 2020.

Based on an episode from PTV’s series ‘Fehm e Quran’ from 1980s.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2709822339294671

Translated Quranic Verses were taken from “Aqa Mirza Mahdi Puya and S.V. Mir Ahmad Ali”.



Wasi A. Rizvi

A grownup child, in love with words and machines, who is a Computer Scientist with editorial experience. Reach me: Wr.Wasi.Rizvi@gmail.com ; Words@WasiRizvi.ink